Dear colleague,
The European Science Foundation invites you to submit proposals for topics for its 2011 Research Conferences.
Proposals must cover one of the following scientific domains:
• Molecular Biology+: molecular biology at the interface with other science disciplines (up to 5 conferences to take place in 2011)
• Brain, Technology and Cognition: focus on “Action” (1 conference to take place in 2011)
• Mathematics (up to 6 conferences to take place in 2011)
• Physics/Biophysics and Environmental Sciences (up to 5 conferences to take place in 2011)
• Social Sciences and Humanities (up to 4 conferences to take place in 2011)
Scientists with successful proposals will become conference chairs and will be in charge of the scientific programme and overall scientific quality of the conference. ESF will provide full conference organisational and logistical support.
Proposals must be submitted electronically via the ESF Research Conferences website at www.esf.org/conferences/call.
Closing date for submissions: 15th September 2009 (midnight CET)
For more information: visit www.esf.org/conferences/call or email conferences-proposals@esf.org
Kind regards,
ESF Research Conferences
European Science Foundation | 149 avenue Louise, Box 14 | B-1050 Brussels
Tel.: +32 (0) 2533 2020 | Fax: +32 (0) 2538 8486
Email: conferences-info@esf.org| Skype: esf.conferences | www.esf.org/conferences
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