12th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence; Vilnius, LITHUANIA
May 12-15, 2010
Important dates
October 30, 2009 - Abstract deadline
January 30, 2010 - Notification of acceptance
February 28, 2010 - Early registration deadline
7th Conference of the International Test Commission; Shatin, HONG KONG
July 19-21, 2010
Theme: Challenges and Opportunities in Testing and Assessment in a Globalized Economy
- Developments in psychometrics and test theory for international testing
- Indigenous, second language, and cross national test development
- Geotrends in testing: making use of technology advances in test administration and data management
- Issues of policy, ethics, professionalism and training in multinational testing
- Test security and privacy concerns when testing internationally
Closing deadline for proposals: 1 Dec 2009
Notification to authors: 15 Feb 2010
Early bird registration: 1 April 2010
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