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В органайзер психолога

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В органайзер психолога

Шпетовские чтения "Культурно-историческая парадигма в современной науке" (Москва, 5 апреля 2016)

Вопросы для обсуждения:

Культурно-историческая парадигма в гуманитарных и естественных науках;

История и настоящее: сравнительный анализ подходов к проблеме психологических исследований культуры;

Культурно-историческая парадигма в контексте отечественной и западно-европейской культуры;

Оппозиции и варианты культурно-исторической парадигмы.

Дополнительная информация будет размещена на <!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5waXJhby5ydS8%3D]сайте Психологического института РАО[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->.

VI Международная научно-практическая конференция "Личность в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности" (г. Владивосток, 1-3 июля 2016 г.)

Цель конференции – обсуждение и поиск путей решения актуальных научно-практических проблем психологической безопасности личности в экстремальных условиях и кризисных ситуациях жизнедеятельности, критериев, методов исследования, стратегий психологической помощи людям в экстремальных и кризисных ситуациях, методов (программ) противодействия террористической угрозе и деструктивному влиянию экстремистских религиозных организаций.

Международная научно-практическая конференция открывает возможности для заключения договоров о творческом и научном сотрудничестве, разработки совместных научно-практических проектов, формирования общественного мнения по заявленной проблеме.

Скачать информационное письмо в формате pdf:
lichnost_v_ekstremalnyh_usloviyah_i_krizisnyh_situaciyah_zhiznedeyatelnosti_2016-info.pdf [375,32 Kb] (cкачиваний: 20)
Посмотреть онлайн файл: lichnost_v_ekstremalnyh_usloviyah_i_krizisnyh_situaciyah_zhiznedeyatelnosti_2016-info.pdf

East Side Institute


with Hugh Polk, MD and Rachel Mickenberg, LMSW
Saturday, March 12, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Brooklyn Social Therapy Group
104-106 South Oxford St. (btw. Fulton & Lafayette Sts.)
Registration: $65; Student/Retired/Low Income: $45
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJ6eHF6aW9mNDNhNjI1ZiZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->

What kind of therapeutic conversation do we have to create in therapy for our clients to get help with their emotional problems? Join Hugh Polk and Rachel Mickenberg for a half-day interactive practicum designed for therapists, coaches, counselors and group leaders interested in learning how social therapy and a group-creativity approach can enhance their practices. Grow your skills in performing conversation that creates a collaborative working partnership with your clients. Learn how to improvise creative emotional talk, get closer to your clients, help your clients actively create the conversation with you, and tap into their potential to grow emotionally.

THE MAGIC OF LANGUAGE (what it is and why we should care)
A Revolutionary Conversation Online with Lois Holzman
March 18 - April 22*
Registration: $135; Student/Retired $75; Low Income $50
*Conversation is asynchronous -- participants are in different time zones and read/post message on their own schedule.
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJ6Z2RxZDE4NWE2MWU5ZCZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->

According to Lois Holzman, a linguist, developmental psychologist and director of the East Side Institute, how we understand what language is-whether we're aware of it or not-matters! It shapes our perceptions and actions, and impacts on how we are and how we might become. She invites you to join her for some practical-philosophical play with language and understandings of language. Together you'll discover the magic of being and becoming a "languager."

A Revolutionary Conversation with Carrie Lobman and performance activists and scholars from Brazil, Japan, Greece, Serbia and the US
Mondays, March 21, 28, and April 4, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
119 W. 23 St., 9 Fl., Ste 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $135; Student/Retired $75; Low Income $50
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJ6NDB2YzNhNzg2MGVmNSZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->

Carrie Lobman is a play scholar, performance activist, Vygotskian educator and Director of Pedagogy at the East Side Institute. She has taught play and performance methodology to educators and psychologists around the world. While pain and despair make front-page headlines, performance activists on the streets, in classrooms, and in the university, are on the ground playing, performing and creating tools for people to develop and grow. In this class, leading activists and scholars, inspired by Newman and Holzman, share their practice in building community, reinvigorating education and impacting on education policy.


What Is 'Social Therapeutics?': An Introduction to a Postmodern, Performatory Approach to Human Development & Its Community Stages
A 5-week online seminar with Carrie Lobman, Ed.D.
April 18 - May 23*
Registration: $95; Student/Retired/Low Income: $65
*Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages on their own schedule.
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJ6eG1iNW5kYTRmZjgxYiZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->

Join Carrie Lobman for an introduction to the methodology of social therapeutics, a postmodern, performatory approach to human and community development and learning. As you explore social therapeutics during this 5-week online conversation, you will be introduced to some of its community stages in psychotherapy, education, after-school youth programs and the work place. Seminal readings and videos will help bring to life the diverse practice of social therapeutics.

Community Meeting & Fundraiser
Tenri Cultural Institute
43 W. 13th St. (betw. 5 & 6 Aves.)
Sunday, April 10, 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
All welcome!


Leading Improvisational Learning Environments
An Online Professional Development Group
with Carrie Lobman
Saturdays, May 14, June 25, and July 23
Skype videoconference. Time scheduled based on students' time zone.
Registration: $275; Student $195
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJ6eGtvbGphMjdkZjExYyZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->

A monthly online group for educators designed to enhance your creative group building skills and develop the capacity to create more collaborative, creative, playful and participatory learning environments. It responds to the needs of educators for new tools to address the daily demands of teaching - tools that support their students in learning how to learn and developing motivation and confidence. You'll make use of the latest innovations in human development, learning theory and practice. The group is ongoing and provides participants with support as they develop their ability to teach and lead in new ways. The professional development group will utilize online video conferencing. Reliable access to the internet and a webcam and microphone are required.

Discover Development NYC: A symposium, workshop & exploration of
New York City's Development Community with Lois Holzman
Friday - Sunday, May 20 - 22
Registration: $395
Limited to 10 participants
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cHM6Ly9ldmVudHMucjIwLmNvbnN0YW50Y29udGFjdC5jb20vcmVnaXN0ZXIvZXZlbnRSZWc%2Fb2VpZGs9YTA3ZWJoMzZ2M3g2MmExN2I5YyZhbXA7b3NlcT0mYW1wO2M9JmFtcDtjaD0%3D]Click here to register[/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->
Spend a re-energizing weekend in the cultural capital of New York this fall as part of a uniquely engaging symposium and workshop designed to introduce you to Vygotskian-inspired performances of personal and community development. Today's buzzwords of innovation, creativity, collaboration and happiness will come alive as you visit developmental 'hot spots' from Times Square to the Flatiron District and from Brooklyn to Newark. Explore how Holzman and development community founder and public philosopher Fred Newman reimagined the contributions of Lev Vygotsky and Ludwig Wittgenstein to devise a 'tool-and-result' methodology that is being put to work in after school programs, therapy clinics, executive coaching, adult education, electoral politics, and by a growing network of grassroots practitioners in the U.S. and internationally.

For more information or to register, go to:
<!--dle_leech_begin-->[url=https://tovievich.ru/engine/go.php?url=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5lYXN0c2lkZWluc3RpdHV0ZS5vcmcvZXZlbnRz]www.eastsideinstitute.org/events [/url]<!--dle_leech_end-->
or contact mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org, 212-941-8906, x304.

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