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В органайзер психолога

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В органайзер психолога

Всероссийская научная конференция "Лицо человека в пространства общения" (Москва, 13-14 октября 2016 г.)

Цель конференции - обсуждение широкого круга вопросов, касающихся изучения лица человека.
Лицо человека – уникальный феномен, возникающий на перекрестье природных и социокультурных детерминант, и находящий свое отражение в различных сферах человеческого бытия и практики. В этой связи к нему обращено внимание специалистов самых разных предметных областей знания.

Проведение конференции позволит собрать в единое целое текущие научные результаты, полученные в различных научных дисциплинах, а также обозначить направления дальнейшего развития междисциплинарных исследований по обсуждаемой проблематике.

Важное место на мероприятии займут вопросы «практической» работы с лицом.

Ожидается, что в работе конференции примут активное участие представители самых различных научных отраслей и направлений практики – психологи, антропологи, физиологи, философы, медики, юристы, криминалисты художники и т.д.

К началу конференции планируется подготовка и публикация коллективной монографии участников научного мероприятия.

Конференция будет организована Московским институтом психоанализа совместно с Межрегиональной ассоциацией экспериментальной психологии.


«Психология развития человека как субъекта труда. Развитие творческого наследия Е.А. Климова» (Москва, 12-15 октября 2016)

Оргкомитет приглашает Вас принять участие в Международной научно-практической конференции «Психология развития человека как субъекта труда. Развитие творческого наследия Е.А. Климова». Обращение к тематике психологического анализа профессиональной деятельности человека особенно важно для современной России в эпоху становления новой индустриальной базы и современных информационных и коммуникационных технологий. Эффективно работающие, здоровые, гармонично развитые и социально-ориентированные профессионалы – ключевой ресурс современной экономики.

Оценка места и роли творческого наследия академика РАО Евгения Александровича Климова (1930-2014), его учеников и единомышленников, в разработке научного фундамента психологии человека как субъекта труда в постиндустриальную эпоху актуальны для сохранения научных традиций и поддержания высокой профессиональной культуры специалистов в области психологии труда, организационной психологии, инженерной психологии и эргономики.


Конкурс студенческих эссе «Выготский и современность»

К 120-летию со дня рождения Л.С. Выготского в 2016 году Институт образования НИУ ВШЭ и МГППУ объявляют конкурс на лучшее эссе на тему «Выготский и современность». Л.С. Выготский оказал огромное влияние на развитие гуманитарного знания. Нас интересует, что думаете именно вы – с вашим опытом, мировоззрением, ценностями и представлениями о будущем – о том, какова роль идей Выготского в культуре и науке в XXI веке. Мы поддерживаем междисциплинарное взаимодействие и активно приглашаем к участию не только тех, кто имеет или получает психологическое образование, но и представителей других научных направлений.


Вебинары «Сопровождение процессов создания и деятельности центра по оказанию психолого-педагогической, диагностической и консультативной помощи родителям с детьми от 0 до 3 лет» (Москва, ФИРО, 16, 17 августа 2016 г.)

16 и 17 августа 2016 г. в ФГАУ «ФИРО» пройдут вебинары по теме «Научно-методическое и нормативно-правовое сопровождение введения федерального государственного образовательного стандарта и примерной основной образовательной программы дошкольного образования».

К участию в вебинаре приглашаются педагоги, методисты и заведующие дошкольных образовательных организаций, специалисты и руководители органов управления образованием, преподаватели педагогических коллеждей и вузов системы повышения квалификации.

Регистрация для участия в вебинарах открыта до 15 августа 2016 г.


15th European Congress of Psychology (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-14 July 2017)

We are extremely pleased to welcome you to the website of the 15th European Congress of Psychology. This 15th ECP will be a joint effort between the Dutch Association of Psychologists (NIP) and the Belgian Federation of Psychologists (BFP). The congress is held in Amsterdam, the fascinating and inspiring capitol of the United Kingdom of The Netherlands, and we will offer plenty opportunities for scientific and social interaction in the modern surrounding of the Amsterdam RAI Convention Centre.

Special edition De Psycholoog

In order for our European colleagues to get to know us, we proudly present to you this unique and special edition of the professional magazine De Psycholoog (‘The Psychologist’). Normally this magazine is in Dutch and offers the members of NIP monthly an overview of scientific news and articles, interviews, essays, features and inspiration. To present the excellent scientific community and the well organised practitioners in Belgium and The Netherlands, we have made this special edition to offer you a tempting preview.

This special edition aims to show the broad field of Psychology being studied and practised in our small countries. In contributions from Belgian and Dutch scientists you will get some insight in the research being conducted in our regions and we aim to make you curious to learn more.

A barber on the cover? YES! Psychology is a major scientific field of study, but it is also something from everyday life. We all experience the power of communication and expressing our thoughts and the whether or not desired psychological advices, we all ‘do psychology’.

Save the date

We hope to welcome you in Amsterdam for the 15th European Congress of Psychology from 11 – 14 July 2017. The first edition was held in 1989 and since then a lot has changed! We therefore encourage you not only to visit the EFPA-congress and the EFPA General Assembly, but also to enjoy the charming and lively city and it’s cultural, culinary and many other kinds of charms and your summer in Amsterdam.


18th European Conference on Developmental Psychology (Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 29 - September 1, 2017)

The 18th edition of the European Association of Developmental Psychology (EADP) biennial conference (ECDP2017) will take place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, from August 29 to September 1, 2017, with preconference workshops on August 28 and 29. For more information on the EADP, organization, and Utrecht, click the links in the menu above.


47th Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society "Technologies & Human Development" (San Francisco, USA, 8-10 June 2017)

Contemporary theories define human development as an interactive process. Some theories emphasize interpersonal interactions; others focus on individual-societal interactions; and others address interactions via flexible technologies. Drawing on all of those traditions, one of the most intriguing theoretical proposals is that symbolic systems—words, toys, digital devices—are technologies. Such technologies are created in culture, mediate human interactions, and transform culture and development. It is in this symbolic sense that social media, apps, interactive games, and other digital tools become meaningful—in process and in consequence.

With such a theoretical foundation to guide research and practice, the invited program for JPS 2017 focuses on the concept "technology", in particular digital media, their uses, and impacts in human culture and development. Offering an analytic lens that will not become obsolete with next new widget, this symposium examines symbol systems and their manifestations. As symbol systems, technologies are stable enough for shared understanding, yet amenable to use and transformation by children, adolescents, and adults across cultural contexts and for diverse purposes. Learning and development with games, social media, digital archives, word processors, and more can, thus, be studied as cultural tools in contexts of practice.

We present this generative understanding of technology and human development by scholars with a diverse range of histories, perspectives, and research projects. The conference is more than the invited program, which sets the scene for a wide range of topics, issues, and research questions relevant to cognitive, social, and emotional development.

The organizers enthusiastically invite submissions by established and emerging scholars, media developers, policy makers, and practitioners working on projects relevant to human development.

A Call for Papers will be issued in the Fall of 2016.


2017 Biennial Meeting (Austin, Texas, April 6-8, 2017)

Advance your professional development by planning now to attend the 2017 SRCD Biennial Meeting in Austin! Aside from the invited and submitted program, there are numerous formal and informal opportunities for networking and learning about the latest developments in the field. The biennial meetings provide an opportunity for child development professionals and other researchers to connect and exchange information and ideas.

The Governing Council and Program Committee of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), along with the 2017 Program Co-Chairs, Nicholas Allen (University of Oregon) and Ariel Kalil (University of Chicago), invite you to submit for the 2017 Biennial Meeting to be held April 6 - 8, 2017 at the Austin Convention Center and the Hilton Austin Hotel. Preconference events will be held on Wednesday, April 5, 2017.

SRCD’s commitment to interdisciplinary research, diversity, and an international perspective is strongly supported through its Biennial Meetings. Empirical, theoretical, historical, methodological, policy, application and translational submissions from investigators around the globe in all disciplines related to the field of child development are welcomed. The Society also encourages submissions from students, both graduate and undergraduate.

The overarching theme for the 2017 Biennial Meeting is: Developmental Science and Society. Supporting this theme are four areas of emphasis, although submissions on any topic relevant to child development are welcome. The four areas of emphasis are:

1. Poverty, Inequality and Developmental Science
2. Global Change and Child Development
3. Neuroscience and Child Development
4. Behavioral Science and Public Policy


The East Side Institute presents...
Discover Development NYC
A symposium, workshop & exploration
of New York City's Development Community

Friday-Sunday, October 28-30, 2016
Registration: $395. Limited to 10 participants.
Click here to register

Spend a re-energizing weekend in the cultural capital of New York as part of a uniquely engaging symposium and workshop designed to introduce you to Vygotskian-inspired performances of personal and community development.

Today's buzzwords of innovation, creativity, collaboration and happiness will come alive as you visit developmental 'hot spots' from Times Square to the Flatiron and from Brooklyn to Newark.
"This experience affirmed that I'm not the only one thinking differently. It's given me more confidence in doing what I choose to do on the off-beat."
Your weekend guide will be East Side Institute director and developmental

psychologist Lois Holzman, an expert in developmental learning and performance activism and author of the Psychology Press Classic Edition text, Lev Vygotsky Revolutionary Scientist. She will be joined by other Institute faculty-psychologists, therapists,educators, theatre makers and performance activists who have built the development community.

Over a challenging, immersive course of study, group observation, performance and play, Holzman will introduce you to the history and multifaceted programs she and colleagues have built through 40 years of experimentation outside traditional institutions.

Explore how Holzman and development community founder and public philosopher Fred Newman reimagined the contributions of Lev Vygotsky and Ludwig Wittgenstein to devise a 'tool-and-result' methodology that is being put to work in after school programs, therapy clinics, executive coaching, adult education, electoral politics, and by a growing network of grassroots practitioners in the U.S. and internationally.

"The tool-and-result methodology we've observed shakes the foundations of developmental psychology - from notions of assessment and testing to assumptions about how to help people grow. It shatters our concept of 'understanding' - which I'm learning is a cultural process rather than a mental one."

Discover development in performance spaces across NYC, such as:

Visit a community therapy center in Brooklyn, and talk to the clients about the therapy they've created to grow emotionally.

*Visit innovative after-school programs, including the flagship youth development programs of the All Stars

*Project and talk to the young people.

*Visit a cutting-edge political theatre; meet the artists and go backstage.

"Seeing social therapeutic method in so many different environments is inspiring and gives hope. The weekend is an absolute must for anyone who wants to do social justice work."

Explore the power of "yes-and" completion in an exclusive improv theatre-skills workshop.

Join musicians for a recording session using improvised riffs and sounds.

Have conversations with educators, architects, designers, actors, therapists/clients, young people and parents who built these programs.

"It's been a battery-charging three days...I'm actually looking forward to incorporating the creative process I've learned here in writing my dissertation."

Walk and talk with colleagues as you explore the streets of New York from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Hudson River Greenway.

Enjoy a group dinner and conversation in historical Greenwich Village, and reflect on what you've seen and experienced.

"The collective performance of our group over the weekend was inspiring. It made me appreciate the creativity we are capable of when we dive into the unknown. "

Lois Holzman, Ph.D. is co-founder and director of the East Side Institute and chief organizer of the biennial Performing the World conference. She is a developmental psychologist whose developmental learning and performance activism research and organizing is informed and inspired by the discoveries of Lev Vygotsky.

Her books include Vygotsky at Work and Play; The End of Knowing: A New Developmental Way of Learning; Unscientific Psychology; Schools for Growth: Radical Alternatives to Current Educational Models; Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind; Lev Vygotsky: Revolutionary Scientist; and The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Making a Better World. Lois is a Taos Institute Associate; served as community outreach coordinator for DxSummit, a Global Summit on Diagnostic Alternatives; and as Chair and Program Chair of the American Educational Research Association's Cultural-Historical Research SIG. She is the 2014 recipient of the SIG's Lifetime Achievement Award.

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