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По стопам Афанасия Никтина: психологи смогут встретиться в Нижнем Поволжье, а социологи - в Индии

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Дополнена информация о Международной конференции "Психологическое консультирование и психотерапия: на стыке наук, времен, культур", которая пройдет в Астрахани с 27 сентября по 1 октября 2007 г.

Для тех же, кто желает продлить маршрут первопроходца Афанасия Никтина, - путь в Индию, где 22-24 ноября состоится VIII Международная конференция по проблемам азиатской молодёжи и детей, которые предполагается рассмотреть прежде всего с социологической точки зрения, однако, в контексте мультидисциплинарного подхода.

Sociology of Childhood (RC53) & Sociology of Youth (RC34)

Jointly announces

VIIIth International Conference on

Asian Youth and Childhoods 2007

Call for Papers

The Steering Committee of the VIIIth International Conference on Asian Youth and Childhoods -2007 invites submissions for paper sessions. The goal of the conference is to bring together a multidisciplinary and internationally diverse network of scholars to advance the study of Asian Youth and Childhoods. The conference will be held on November 22-24, 2007 in Lucknow, India

We invite abstracts on the following themes:
- New Trends in Youth and Childhood Research
- Asian Youth and New Trajectories
- Youth, International Migration and Globalization
- Inequalities in Child and Youth Population
- Young People and New Technology
- Young People and Media
- Child and Youth Rights in Asia
- Youth and Child Policies in Asia
- Childhood and Gender
- Participation of Young People in Community Life
- Youth and Children’s life world in Globalized world

Guidelines for Abstract and/or Proposals for Sessions: Interested presenters are encouraged to submit abstracts for individual papers or as a paper symposium (maximum 4 presenters; the symposium Chair may choose to include or not include a discussant as 1 of the 4 presenters). Each session will include maximum five papers and assigned a Chair by the program committee. Individual paper presenters will be allotted 20 minutes. For each session a minimum of 15 minutes will be reserved for questions and answers. Some paper proposals may be accepted as posters if conference time and space requires.

Abstract guidelines: Abstract length, not including references, should be no longer than 500 words (approximately 2 double-spaced pages) not including references, tables, or figures. No one may submit more than one abstract as lead organizer/ author.

Abstract must include
a. Introduction to the research question(s)
b. Description of methods (both quantitative and qualitative methods are encouraged)
c. Results
d. Brief discussion & implications

Note: A limited number of theoretical and conceptual proposals/papers will also be accepted.

Deadline for Abstracts: The last date for submission of abstract is March 31, 2007.

Decision Notification: First author will be notified of decisions no later than April 30, 2007.

Questions and inquiries should be emailed to the following address:
For more information visit the conference website at: www.ayc2007.com

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