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Новости Института East Side. Winter/spring 2015. Сalendar of events

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Новости Института East Side. Winter/spring 2015. Сalendar of events


Institute Webchat Series
Play Helps Us Grow At Any Age, a presentation by Dr. Lois Holzman

Thursday-Friday, January 29-30; 8:00 a.m. - 11:59 p.m. EDT
Video: http://tedxnavesink.com/project/lois-holzman/
Chatroom: http://www.chatzy.com/82664382862741

Each month the Institute features a discussion of an audio or video recording from our web archives that presents the history of social therapeutics. These rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning-making, performance and play, learning and development. You'll then have an opportunity to share your responses with an Institute faculty member - and people from around the world. If you are unable to join, we hope you will watch the website and check out our complete audio and video library at http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/audio/ and http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/video/.

Social Therapeutics & The Practice of Method
A 20-week online certificate program w/ Lois Holzman & Faculty

January 23-June 12*
*Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages according to their own schedule.
Registration: $850. Application deadline: December 29. Click here for an application

What does a five-month, online, group study on a postmodern, performance-based approach to human development look like? According to our most recent class of psychology, psychiatry, social work, education, counseling, applied theatre, youth development, anthropology, sociology, community development, public policy and public health alumni, it looks something like this - diverse, dynamic, intensely collaborative and intellectually rigorous it allows for a far-ranging exploration of a proven methodology for personal and social transformation. It's an in-depth study of social therapeutics, with developmental psychologist Lois Holzman, who worked for three decades with public philosopher and social therapist Fred Newman in developing the approach. Holzman and faculty guide students in an exploration of the foundations, politics, philosophy and community-based applications of this unique group-performatory approach to human development and learning.


Лично для меня проблематична формулировка дискурса, но необъяснимо притягательна картинка...;) (

Владимир Кудрявцев


What Is Postmodern Marxism and Why Does It Matter?
A Revolutionary Conversation with Dan Friedman

Wednesdays February 18, 24 and March 4; 7:15-8:45 p.m.
119 W 23 St., Ste 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $80 ($75 in advance); Student/Retired/Low Income: $40
Click here to register

Lots of people want to change the world-eliminate poverty, end wars, and provide everyone with the material needs and cultural experiences that allow them to live healthy and developmental lives. But is that possible and if so, how do we do it?This three-part conversation will explore the ideas, discoveries and activities of Fred Newman, Lois Holzman, and the many others who are bringing into being a worldwide performance-based development community as an approach to progressive social change. This new kind of activism has a new name-"postmodern Marxism"-that informs, and is informed by, the ongoing building of community that creates developmental alternatives to the poverty and violence that dominate the world. How is it becoming? What do Marxism and Postmodernism have to do with it? And does it have anything to do with you? Come and begin to explore these questions with Dan Friedman.

Conversations with Practitioners
Friday, February 27; 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
A.R.T. New York, 138 S. Oxford St., Brooklyn
Registration: $30; Student/Retired/Low Income: $20 (in Advance: $25; $15)
Click here to register

Institute Webchat Series
What Is Revolution, a conversation between Fred Newman and Ian Parker
Thursday, February 26; 8:00 a.m. - Friday, February; 27, 11:59 p.m. EDT
Video: https://vimeo.com/19625879
Chatroom: http://www.chatzy.com/82664382862741

Each month the Institute features a discussion of an audio or video recording from our web archives that presents the history of social therapeutics. These rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning-making, performance and play, learning and development. You'll then have an opportunity to share your responses with an Institute faculty member - and people from around the world. If you are unable to join, we hope you will watch the website and check out our complete audio and video library at http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/audio/ and http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/video/.


Introducing Social Therapeutics:
A Performatory Approach to Human Development & Learning
A five-week online seminar with Carrie Lobman

March 6-April 13*
*Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Registration: $95; Student/Retired/Low Income: $65
Click here to register

Why should building groups help people suffering from emotional pain? Why should performing on stage help young people develop? Why should pointless conversation develop all of us into better learners? And why should people of all ages play more, no matter how busy or difficult life is? Carrie Lobman will address these practical questions that stem from the success of social therapeutics as a methodology for human social-emotional-intellectual-cultural development, and will share some of the innovative applications of social therapeutics in a range of pedagogical settings.

Leading Improvisational Learning Environments
An Online Professional Development Group
with Carrie Lobman

Fridays, 7:30-9:30 p.m. EDT. Mar 6; Apr 3; May 1; and Jun 12.
Skype videoconference.
Registration: $250; Student $175
Click here to register

A monthly online group for educators designed to enhance your creative group building skills and develop the capacity to create more collaborative, creative, playful and participatory learning environments. It responds to the needs of educators for new tools to address the daily demands of teaching - tools that support their students in learning how to learn and developing motivation and confidence. You'll make use of the latest innovations in human development, learning theory and practice. The group is ongoing and provides participants with support as they develop their ability to teach and lead in new ways. The professional development group will utilize online video conferencing. Reliable access to the internet and a webcam and microphone are required.

Creating the World: How to Foster Creative Community
An Online Revolutionary Conversations with Gwen Lowenheim and David Belmont

March 13-April 10*
Registration: $135; Student/Retired: $75; Low Income: $50
*Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Click here to register

Once the almost exclusive domain of artists and the academy, the public discourse on creativity is now filled with the voices of community organizers, entrepreneurs, educators, therapists and others exploring what creativity is and how people develop as creative agents of social change. In this online creative conversation led by educator and community organizer Gwen Lowenheim and musician/composer David Belmont we will look at how the latest discoveries in creativity, play, music, visual arts, theatre and improvisation can inspire creative community and social change.

Laughing Matters
A playful/philosophical approach to creating humor with Mary Fridley and Marian Rich

Saturday, March 21; 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
119 W 23 St., Ste 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $40; Retired/Student/Low Income: $25 (In Advance $25; $15)
Click here to register

Institute Webchat Series
Women, Passion & Social Activism: Engaging Trauma

Thursday, March 26; 8:00 a.m. - Friday, March; 27, 11:59 p.m. EDT
Video: https://vimeo.com/80217575
Chatroom: http://www.chatzy.com/82664382862741

Each month the Institute features a discussion of an audio or video recording from our web archives that presents the history of social therapeutics. These rich and varied presentations touch on a range of topics, such as group collective creativity, meaning making, performance and play, learning and development. You'll then have an opportunity to share your responses with an Institute faculty member - and people from around the world. If you are unable to join, we hope you will watch the website and check out our complete audio and video library at http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/audio/ and http://eastsideinstitute.org/resources/multimedia/video/.


Professional Development Saturday
How Performing Conversation Can Transform Your Practice
with Hugh Polk, MD and Rachel Mickenburg, LMSW

Saturday, April 18; 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
104-106 South Oxford St. (btw. Fulton & Lafayette Sts.), Brooklyn
Registration: $85; Student/Retired/Low Income $55
Click here to register

What kind of therapeutic conversation do we have to create in therapy for our clients to get help with their emotional problems? Join Hugh Polk and Rachel Mickenburg for a full-day interactive practicum designed for therapists, coaches, counselors and group leaders interested in learning how social therapy and a group-creativity approach can enhance their practices. Grow your skills in performing conversation that creates a collaborative working partnership with your clients. Learn how to improvise creative emotional talk, get closer to your clients, help your clients actively create the conversation with you, and tap into their potential to grow emotionally.

What We Got Wrong About Childhood (and what we can do about it)
A Series of Revolutionary Conversations with Carrie Lobman

Wednesdays April 8, 15, and 22, 7:15-8:45 p.m.
119 W 23 St., Ste 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $50 per session; $135 for the series
Retired/Student/Low Income: $30 per session; $75 for the series
Click here to register

Childhood. Say the word and we all think we know what it is, and that we all mean the same thing. But let's take another look. Join Dr. Carrie Lobman, an educator, researcher and play revolutionary, for a series of conversations with innovators from the fields of youth development, psychotherapy, and adult learning. Each week we will explore some of our misconceptions of childhood and the surprising tools that exist for going beyond them.

Institute's Community Meeting & Fundraiser
Sunday, April 26, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave. (betw. 37 & 38 Sts.)
All welcome! Please bring your checkbooks.


Developing Democracy: Creating a New Political Culture
An online conversation with Cathy Stewart & Carrie Lobman

May 1- May 22*
Registration: $135 Retired, Student $75, Low Income $50
*Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Click here to register

At the home of the Revolutionary Conversation, we bring together grassroots independent activist Cathy Stewart and developmentalist Carrie Lobman to explore the relationship between democracy and human development. We will draw upon examples of on-the-ground organizing in communities across the U.S. and the practical and theoretical contributions of Social Therapeutics, an innovative approach to human development and community building. Our challenge: to create a (playful) environment in which to examine and challenge some of the basic precepts and institutions of our political process.

A Psychology of Becoming: The Clinical Practice of Social Therapy
with Christine LaCerva
Thursday, May 14 - Saturday, May 16
119 W 23 St., Ste 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $375.
Click here to register

Why should building groups help people suffering from emotional pain? Explore a methodology and approach that helps groups transform how they feel. Advance your capacity to support the creative power of the groups you lead. Program includes: presentation on the core issues of social therapeutic practice, observation of social therapy groups and post-observation discussion, role-play, improvisational exercises, and supervision.

Discover Development NYC: A symposium, workshop & exploration of
New York City's Development Community with Lois Holzman

Friday-Sunday, May 29-31
Registration: $395
Click here to register

Spend a re-energizing weekend in the cultural capital of New York this fall as part of a uniquely engaging symposium and workshop designed to introduce you to Vygotskian-inspired performances of personal and community development. Today's buzzwords of innovation, creativity, collaboration and happiness will come alive as you visit developmental 'hot spots' from Times Square to the Flatiron and from Brooklyn to Newark.

Register @ http://eastsideinstitute.org/events/ or contact
Melissa Meyer, mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org, 212-941-8906, ext 304.

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