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Новости Института East Side. Психотерапия и музыка: на стыке времен года

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A Study and Training Program in Social Therapeutics

Led by Institute director Lois Holzman, The International Class is a unique study and training program in cultural and creative approaches to human development and learning. The program focuses on social therapeutics, a philosophically informed, practically oriented method in which human beings are related to as creators of their culture and ensemble performers of their lives.

The performatory approach of social therapeutics allows people to experience life in new ways other than how we've been socialized,and to organize environments for group creativity to flourish in unforeseen developmental ways. Utilized in diverse mental health, educational, youth development and community organizing settings in the US and internationally, social therapeutics has influenced both the postmodern and the cultural-historical activity theory movements in psychology, psychotherapy, education and community and organizational development.

A Flexible Structure and Curriculum

The ten-month program combines residencies in New York City and seminars, supervision and project development sessions conducted online. Students come together to work with Institute faculty and others in a broad development community and advance their own programs and research.

Residencies. The International Class meets at the Institute three times during the year (in October, February and June) to work together as a group with Institute faculty and associates at The Social Therapy Group, The All Stars Project, Performance of a Lifetime, and Independentvoting.org.

Site visits
Community organizing participation

At Home. In between residencies, students study the social therapeutic method at home. Learning formats include on-line seminars and Skype calls with faculty.

Seminar and Workshop Topics for Online Study and In-Person Residencies include:

The Politics, Philosophy and Psychology of Social Therapeutics
The Postmodernizing of Marx, Vygotsky and Wittgenstein
Social Therapy as Clinical Practice
Breakthroughs in Youth Development
Performance Activism
Play, Performance, Learning and Development
Improvisation and Theater
Community Organizing
Independent Fundraising for NGOs

Click here for more information and an application...

Improvisation in Music and Beyond
with Ursel Schlicht

Sunday, June 7, 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Chelsea Studios, 151 W 26 Street (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $50; Limited number of partial scholarships are available upon request.
Click here to register

This workshop is about deepening communication skills through musical improvisation, and exploring the power of music as a means to connect with people on a profound and personal level. Ursel's strong interest in intercultural work (see her bio below) has inspired her to develop a process in which the group uses voices and instruments to create musical expression using a variety of improvisational concepts.

While the primary means of expression in the workshop will be music, this experience will be relevant for people from fields as diverse as performance, architecture, teaching, and other forms of communication within collective contexts. An important part of the work will be to reflect on the experience and to discuss how to apply the learning to participants' professional and everyday lives.

Previous musical training is helpful but NOT required. More important is the willingness to participate. Please bring musical instruments if you would like.

Ursel Schlicht, Ph.D. is an internationally active pianist, composer, improviser, scholar and educator. Fostering intercultural collaboration has been an important focus of her work and she has brought together musicians from Europe, India, Eritrea, Mali, Japan, Afghanistan, Russia, and the USA. Her recent project SonicExchange featured over 50 artists from nine countries. Her compositions interweave notated and improvised material, and she has interpreted silent the film classics an avant-improv approach. Her work as leader or co-leader appears on Nemu, Cadence, CIMP, Hybrid, Konnex, Muse-Eek and Leo Records, with Robert Dick, Hans Tammen, Steve Swell, Lou Grassi, Ken Filiano, Bruce Arnold, Reuben Radding, et al. She is part of Hans Tammen?s Third Eye Orchestra on innova records, and Sarah Weavers SLM ensemble. Forthcoming is a CD The Galilean Moons with Robert Dick.

For more information or to register go to:
or contact Melissa Meyer, mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org
212-941-8906, ext 304.

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"The International Class is not just a class - it's an opportunity to involve yourself in exploring human development through
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