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Third Edition of International Conference on Applied Psychology

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September 25 - 27, 2009

Suceava, ROMANIA

The organizing staff of the third conference on applied psychology, under the aegis of the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, invites you to a scientific event that aims to illustrate the current international standards of the main fields in which psychology is applied. We expect as participants practitioners, researchers and didactic staff members from the area of Romanian and international psychology. In order to optimize participants’ benefits from this international conference, the organizing team tries to develop a flexible schedule that would take into account the various expectations regarding the content and form of such an event.

    The deep changes in current psychology are determined, from the intensive point of view, by the strong development of the cognitive research field, by the diversification and refinement of the experimental techniques, by the development of data analysis techniques, by the acceleration of the interaction with other disciplines; from the extensive point of view, we can note the strong proliferation of psychology academic institutions, the increase in the number of professionals, the multiplication of the fields that benefit from the psychologists’ competencies, the growing awareness of the contribution that psychology has to offer in the improvement of human condition.
    The fundamental note of this scientific event is given by the staff’s intent to attract in the area of scientific debate a higher and more diversified number of psychologists, from the academic field as well as from the involved in private or institutional practice. In order to promote the acquisition of new competences by the young psychologists, the organizers intend to schedule a consistent and diversified number of workshops, which will allow the highlighting of the evolution of relevant intervention procedures in various fields, such as human resources, juridical sciences, military sciences, education, etc.
    This third edition of the event is focused of the consistency specific to the previous two. The interplay of the scientific fields – Romanian and international – allows an ample valuation and integration of scientific results. In the intent of building a tradition, this edition strengthens the hope in the impact of psychological research.

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