Welcome to the 16th European Conference on Developmental Psychology in Lausanne in 2013!
The conference aims at presenting an overview of current European research in developmental psychology in all its varieties. Renowned experts of the feld will give keynote lectures, invited symposia, round tables, and workshops, in the following domains: perinatal development, child development, life-span studies, perceptive and cognitive development, attachment, parenting, language development, education, neuro-plasticity, resilience, developmental psychopathology, delinquency, cultural studies, social adaptation, immigration, methods in developmental psychology, etc.
Submission of symposia, of oral papers and posters in the domain of developmetal studies will be welcomed.
As organisers of the 16th Conference, we would like to offer our hospitality to participants from Europe and all other continents. We look forward to seeing you in Lausanne in 2013!
On behalf of the Organising Committee:
Christiane Moro (chair of the local organizing committee)
Blaise Pierrehumbert (chair of the scientific committee)
The 16th ECDP Conference is organized by:
University of Lausanne
Institute of Psychology (IP / SSP)
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (SUPEA / DP / CHUV)
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