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3rd Biennial Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology (Warsaw, Poland, 22-25 September 2010)

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Welcome to the 3rd Biennial Symposium on Personality and Social Psychology

The 3rd BSPSP highlights multidisciplinary advances that have reshaped psychological science. Not long ago, much inquiry in the field was relatively fragmented; studies of individual differences, social influence, biological bases of behavior, and intrapsychic processes of meaning construction were only weakly interconnected. Today, however, investigators cross old disciplinary boundaries, attack questions at multiple levels of analysis, and thereby create lines of theory and research that interconnect these topics. In so doing, they bring contemporary scientific tools to bear on a classic question: the question of personality dynamics, that is, how cognitive and affective processes – which reflect both the biology of the brain and the social practices of one’s culture – give rise to the distinctive, sometimes idiosyncratic characteristics of the individual person.

The 3rd BSPSP will feature an outstanding roster of speakers that includes international renowned scientists from both Europe and the United States. In addition to symposium presentations, there will be special workshops on experimental methods in the study of emotion and cognition. The full list of speakers and presentations can be found by following the Program link on this web page.

prof. Daniel Cervone,

head of the Scientific Committee


Abstract submission deadline: April 30th, 2010


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