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В органайзер психолога

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В органайзер психолога

Conference of the European Federation of Psychology Teachers Associations (EFPTA); Reykjavik, Iceland. April 13-14, 2018

he 2018 EFPTA Conference will be held in Reykjavik, on 13-14 April 2018, hosted by the Icelandic psychology teachers’ association - Samt?ks?lfr??i- oguppeldisfr??ikennara. Full details of venue and schedule will be announced soon, and registration for the Conference will open in late summer 2017. As ever, psychology students and student teachers will be very welcome to attend.


PME 42: 42nd Annual Meeting on Psychology of Mathematics Education; Ume?, Sweden. July 3-8, 2018

The Local Organizing Committee of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education is pleased to invite you to attend the conference to be held in Ume?, Sweden from July 3 to July 8, 2018.

The theme of the conference is “Delight in Mathematics Education” and it refers to the joy, pleasure, and beauty in both mathematics and mathematics education. It includes issues on how both teaching and learning mathematics can be fun, meaningful, and inspiring, for teachers as well as for students.

Our goal is to make the 2018 meeting scientifically and socially successful. We hope that your visit and stay in Ume? and Sweden will be exciting, informative, and inspiring. We look forward to welcoming you to the conference in July, 2018.


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