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Новости Института East Side. Calendar of Events - Summer/Fall 2017

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July - December 2017


What's Possible?
A Four-Week Online Course with Dan Friedman
Friday, July 7-August 6*
Registration: $135; Student/Retired: $75; Low Income: $50
*Conversation is asynchronous -- participants are in different time zones and read/post message on their own schedule.
Click here to register

"What's Possible?" is a question of vital concern to progressive educators, artists and activists as well as ordinary people throughout the world in these chaotic times. What we believe to be possible determines "what" we try to change and "how" we try to do it. How do human beings come to our collective conclusions about what's possible and what's not? How are the borders of the possible established by various cultures? Are there ways to break out of established ways of understanding/interfacing with reality? Can we create new ways of seeing and bringing into being new possibilities?


with Stephen Nachmanovitch and Cathy Rose Salit
Saturday, August 12, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave. (betw. 37-38 St.)
Registration: $135 by July 22; $150 after July 22.
Click here to register

On August 12th the East Side Institute brings together Cathy Salit and Steven Nachmanovitch, two sought-after creativity experts, for What Can Happen in a Minute? Try out new ways of listening, talking, being. Suspend judgment. Change your relationship to mistakes and failures. Be present in a process and lose your concern with particular outcomes and results. Learn to reinforce your trust in the creative processes you engage in. Change and develop as you go.


Friday, September 29, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, 245 Sullivan St., Rm 216
(betw. W 3 St. & Washington Sq South)
Registration: $35; Student/Retired/Low Income $25 ($40/$30 at door)
Click here to register


Creating New Conversations in Uncertain Times
A Social Therapeutic Workshop
with Joyce Dattner and Mary Fridley
Saturday, October 14, 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East Side Institute, 119 W 23 St., Ste 902 (betw 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $60; Student/Retired/Low Income: $25
At the door: $65; Student/Retired/Low Income: $30
Click here to register

What kind of conversations must we create if we are to come together in new ways at a moment when many feel as much fear as hope for our democracy, our humanity and our future? Join social therapeutic life coach Joyce Dattner and Mary Fridley, coordinator of special programs for the East Side Institute, in an exploration of what it means to go beyond our old ways of speaking and seeing and create new conversational possibilities that support everyone to grow.

Creating a Culture of Play in an Anxious World
A Revolutionary Conversation
with Carrie Lobman and Elena Boukouvala
Mondays, October 16 & 23, 6:45 - 8:15 p.m.
Registration: $135; Student and Retired $75; Low Income $50
119 West 23 Street, Fl. 9, Ste. 902 (betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Click here to register

Since 2016 Elena Boukouvala, a graduate of the East Side Institute's International Class, has led the building of Play is Hope, a collective that brings together refugees migrants, locals - people from around the world to play, perform, and explore the possibilities in creating a culture of creativity in the midst of desperate need and community tensions. Join Carrie Lobman and Elena for a conversation that explores the philosophical and political ramifications of radical performance-based organizing for all of us in an anxious world.

Tool and Result Methodology:
The History of an Emerging Social Practice
An Online Revolutionary Conversation with Lois Holzman
Friday, October 27 - Monday, November 27**
Registration: $135; Student/Retired $75; Low Income $50
**Conversation is asynchronous - participants are in different time zones, and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Click here to register

At once rigorous and flexible, tool and result methodology is as conceptually mind bending as it is powerful on the ground. First coined by Newman & Holzman almost four decades ago, how has this radically humanistic method grown and transformed along with the new kinds of political, educational and psychology movements it has helped to build? Join Lois Holzman for a playful and philosophical exploration around and about the history of this revolutionary approach to human development.


Introducing a Postmodern, Performatory Approach to Human Development & Its Community Stages
A 5-week, online seminar with Carrie Lobman & Melissa Meyer
Sunday, November 12 - Friday, December 15*
Registration: $95; Student/Retired/Low Income: $65
*Conversation is asynchronous -- participants are in different time zones and read/post message on their own schedule.
Click here to register

Join Carrie Lobman and Melissa Meyer for an introduction to the methodology of social therapeutics, a postmodern, performatory approach to human and community development and learning. As you explore social therapeutics in the course of this five-week online conversation, you will be introduced to some of its community stages in psychotherapy, education, after-school youth programs and the workplace. Seminal readings and videos will help bring to life the diverse practice of social therapeutics. Readings: Holzman, L. (2016) Vygotsky at Work and Play (2nd ed.). New York: Routledge. (purchase from Amazon.com) Additional materials will be provided.

Sunday in November TBA; 2:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Scandinavia House, 58 Park Ave. (betw. 37 & 38 Sts.)
RSVP to mmeyer@eastsideinstitute.org

Want to make a difference? Invest in human development. The East Side Institute is an independently funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We rely on contributions from supporters like you. All are welcome! Bring your checkbooks.

Conversations with Practitioners with Rachel Mickenberg
Friday, November 17; 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Brooklyn Social Therapy Group, 104-106 S. Oxford St.
(betw. Fulton & Lafayette)
Registration: $30; Student/Retired/Low Income: $20 ($35; $25 at door)
Click here to register

The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!) Using the arts and play to create a new performance of dementia
with Mary Fridley and Susan Massad
Saturday, November 18, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Registration: $40; Student/Retired/Low Income $25 ($45/$30 at door)
Click here to register

Across the globe, practitioners and patients are working to use play, performance and the arts to create new ways of seeing dementia and Alzheimer's - approaches that support everyone - including those diagnosed with dementia - to grow and to live with/perform dementia in new and more positive ways. This experiential gathering will feature some of these practitioners and is open to everyone - including people with dementia, caregivers and other family and community members, artists and performers, activists and advocates, program staff, policy makers and researchers - who care about this issue. We hope you will join us for a lively conversation about, and "showing" of, the power of play, performance and the arts to promote development, inclusion, hope...and yes, JOY in even the most difficult of life situations.


Friday December 1, 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
NYU School of Law, Furman Hall, 245 Sullivan St., Rm 216
(betw. W 3 St. & Washington Sq South)
Registration: $35; Student/Retired/Low Income $20 ($40/$30 at door)
Click here to register

A Professional/Personal Development Workshop
with Marian Rich
Saturday, December 9, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
East Side Institute, 119 West 23 Street, Fl. 9, Ste. 902
(betw. 6 & 7 Aves.)
Registration: $50 (A limited # of scholarships are available.)
Click here to register

Comic educator Marian Rich thinks humor is serious business! She employs multiple performance-based approaches to explore ways to take on challenging tasks, have difficult conversations, and increase our capacity for intimacy. Join Marian for a practical and fun workshop that will give you valuable tools to enhance your professional relationships, build your friendships and get closer to loved ones.

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